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Introduction :

Competency mapping is the process of identification of the competencies required to perform successfully a given job or role or a set of tasks at a given point of time. Competencies include the collection of success factors necessary for achieving important results in a specific job or work role in a particular organization. Success factors are combinations of knowledge, skills, and attributes that are described in terms of specific behaviour, and are demonstrated by superior performers in those jobs or work roles. Attributes include: personal characteristics, traits, motives, values or ways of thinking that impact an individual's behaviour. Competency must lead to effective .performance.

The objective of this workshop is to:

1. Create awareness on this latest methodology

2. Build the skills, participants would require to do competency mapping independently.

3. Train the participants to streamline the training process in their organization by equipping them to identify the right set of competencies to be developed for their employees to perform at their best.

4. Help the participants to understand the current Performance Management System of their organization and to make it more effective by measuring current performance against clearly defined competency levels for each position and to recommend appropriate Developmental interventions.

Course Content:

Module 1
• Introduction to Competency.
• Competency Iceberg Model
• Classification of Competencies
• Performance Aspects
• Preparation of Competency Dictionary
Module 2
• Develop a Competency Map
• Steps in Competency Mapping
• Measurement of Competency
• Deriving Required Competency Proficiency Level
• Using BARS for Competency Maps
• Performance and Competence Management as a Concept
• Competency based H R Management.
• Advantages of Competency Mapping
Above Content may vary depends on participants level, need and expectations

Facilitators Profile:

Ms.Lata Lakshminarayanan  has more than a decade of experience in Human Resource Development vertical. She has conducted numerous training programmes and developed training modules on Team building, Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, Balanced score card and Competency Mapping etc. She has successfully implemented 360- Degree appraisals at Schools/Colleges/Industries and Corporates. She is International TTT plus Master Class Trainer/Motivational Speaker/Journalist and a Child Counselor. .
Participation Level:
Heads of Department, HR Managers, Executives, H R Consultants & Trainers from all functional areas.
Programme Methodology:
The workshop is administered through interactive sessions supported by visual aids, management games, exercises which would enhance the ability of the participants to understand about Competency Mapping and apply the same in their workplaces. This workshop can be conducted in your Institution  or as per the clients need.

Training duration : 09:30 am to 5.30 p.m.

Days: 2days


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